Brielle Elise
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The Foundational Seminar

The 3-Day Transformative Communication + Self-Empowerment Seminar


In this seminar you’ll have the opportunity to learn communication skills that:

  • empower you to transform everyday conversations into powerful vehicles of self-realization, connection, and fulfillment so that you can experience true intimacy with friends, partners, and family

  • helps others feel your sincere care and inspires them to care about what you have to say, helping you to feel understood and received at an unprecedented level in your relationships

  • empowers you to transform conflict into closeness so that you can move beyond fear of conflict and experience deep emotional intimacy and freedom in your relationships

  • help you root yourself into bold assertiveness so that you can communicate your thoughts, feelings, and needs in a clean way that inspires affection and respect of your boundaries

You’ll also have the opportunity to discover life-changing realizations about…

  • your unconscious thought patterns and how they affect your experience of your entire life so that you can begin to consciously choose more empowering ways of being

  • your relationship with commitments made to yourself and others so that you can heal your relationship to your word in a way that empowers you to move forward with confidence and trust in yourself

  • your undesirable emotional habits, what drives them, and how to meet your emotional needs in more nourishing ways

  • how to accomplish goals in a grounded and trusting way that maximizes your success

The focus of the Foundational Course is skill development - relationship skills with yourself and with others that can radically transform your experience of your life. This course is about 20% didactic style education, with about 80% experiential style learning. The goal of the facilitators is that you connect with your highest guidance within you, based on the philosophy that you are the expert in your life and not them. From that philosophy you will participate in many experiential-learning-based hands-on processes in groups of 2, 3 or more, to help you connect with your own personal realizations and wisdom.

Testimonials by Foundational Course Graduates

"Before I experienced the Satvatove Foundational Course, I had no idea how to listen. When another was speaking, my mind would fill with my own stories and perceptions, and I would offer advice and problem solving suggestions I believed would be helpful. I was humbled by the realization that I didn't know how to truly listen, so I made a commitment to learn empathy. It took months of practice, and I will never forget the day my mind fell completely silent while I was listening to another. I felt as though I was standing in their shoes, feeling from their heart, witnessing their life through their heart blew open with compassion and there was nothing for me to do but simply listen. Empathy is only one of the many skills I learned from Satvatove, and my connections with others are deeply enriched as a result. " - Jai Maa

"Although I never shared with the entire group, I have been so touched by this experience. The energy was different than anything I have ever taken part in before. The feelings of love and acceptance and support were palpable. I will be continuing to shine my diamond, and I look forward to attending the advanced course- hopefully next summer if it is offered here in North Florida. Thank you." - Wanda Hagen (Teacher)

"Thank you for this course.  I experienced so much growth and connected with others on such a deep level. It is truly a spiritual experience deeper than all I’ve had before.   I realized how many negative habits I’ve taken on, and I developed the inner tools, confidence, self-acceptance and brave willingness to continue to go deeper.     The safe, loving, transformative space held by both David and Marie made me able to experience leaps I haven’t had success with before.      He courageous authenticity of the 21 other individuals who also participated blew me away. I feel so connected, loved and powerful.   I won’t hide and make excuses anymore I am ready to be honorable and confident, and willing to continue on my spiritual path with more effort, clarity and curiosity.  Thank you for your work and love." - Stephanie Voight (Student)

This course has expanded my ability to express myself and truly helped me uncover why I am so valuable. I can listen with full intention of hearing in a place that suspends judgements and allows people to be comfortable … I have and continue to make many realizations in my life that are continually helping me connect with who I truly am.” - Jessica T.

Accommodation Details

Venue: TBD, Gainesville, FL

Course hours:
Friday: 8:30am - 9:30pm.
Saturday & Sunday: 9:00am -  9:30pm (ending times approximate)

Food: Not provided. Bring your own snacks and lunch, or go out and purchase lunch during lunchtime. Breaks will be scheduled throughout the day including one large meal break.

Accommodation: Not provided.

Includes a free copy of the new edition of Relationships That Work by David Wolf and a 1-hour personal coaching interview.

If you are interested and want to learn more…


I’ve graduated from the seminars multiple times, and I make myself readily available to anyone who is sincerely interested in growing through the programs that changed my life. We can set up a quick call or talk more in depth about what you’re currently experiencing & looking for.